Archive | August, 2013

C is not for cookie…

21 Aug

If you’ve ever needed a song to pump you the hell up….have a listen.  Maybe you’ve heard it before?  Maybe, but I’ve heard this version, live at VELD and there is nothing else like it.  Throw this one on your Ipod, but make sure it features Steve Aoki and Laidback Luke.  It’s the greatest thing you’ll ever hear.  Let those ears party!!! 😀

Picture it….like this.


Now that everyone is pumped up, I can delve deeper into my blog.  The music was the hook. Ha!

Let’s talk about Vitamin C, the big C.  Is anyone aware of how essential this vitamin is to our bodies? I’ve heard so many people say that they eat oranges every once in a while, or that they drink OJ.  But let’s get this all into perspective here.  If a suggested dose of C is 500-2000mg twice a day….a single orange has about 50mg.  And a glass of juice? About 40mg!!!! Still think you are getting enough??


Some of the benefits of taking vitamin C (the correct dosage):

  • It fights tiredness.  Ever feeling like you could just fall asleep at your desk? Or that uncontrollable urge to just shut your eyes for a second only to open them when your car hits a rumble strip on the road?  (Maybe that’s not a good example)
  • Fat burning abilities. It assists on your insides by helping get the fat out to be burned by the body for fuel.
  • Protecting the immune system.  I know when I feel the sniffles coming on…(first sign) I pop a packet of Emergen-C into a glass of water and chug it down.  It keeps everything on high alert when there are germs around.
  • Reduced heart rate. Studies have shown that it can reduce the heart rate.  This means we can get even more out of our workouts since the heart won’t have to work as hard.

So this weekend is the Warrior Dash!  Same race I ran last year, though I’ll be running it this year with a different group of friends.  In 2012 I wasn’t sure what to expect, so this year I’ll be going hard.  A benefit this year is a reduced number of people at the start corral.  Instead it will be in waves, which will reduce the amount of time taken waiting to begin each obstacle.  Let’s recap….

warrior IMG_1939 crop

There was a little bit of mud there…

Anyways, 2013 Warrior Dash photos will be on their way this weekend!

Check out my Facebook and “Like” my page to follow the photos and weekly goodies I post!!

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Oh and before I forget! I recently received the latest issue of Fitness and Pysique magazine and my name is in there!!! Eeeee!! Ok so it’s just got the results from the April OCB Natural Bodybuilding show. But stiiiiillll, that is more than fabulous to me. I was so ecstatic! I can’t wait to be featured in the next one after I compete in November! 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)One last blog add in before I call it a night and post this beast.
I am posting this for one friend of mine in particular who likes to eat rice cakes as a daily snack (and for anyone else who does the same).
Say no to Rice Cakes!!

While you are reading why, click through the other six items you should start avoiding and read why. I was actually quite surprised on a few. 🙂

Let’s go

15 Aug

So it’s looking like it’s about that time where I begin battening down the hatches and preparing my mind and body for the stage.

Last night I indulged in what I call my “last cheat meal” with a friend while watching an oh so terrrriiiible movie.  (Movie 43, if you haven’t heard of it, be glad)  Anyways, for my last big cheat I was craving cheese and greasyy garlic….Little Ceasars Italian cheese bread.  Perfect right? This spring I was craving Dorito flavored tacos and now a dirty pizza place.  I see a pattern here.  So for me, I crave the salt rather than the sugar.  This could be both good and bad.  Though neither item is on the approved list….I do my best.


Oh but look here!! They advertise it with the tag “Zero Trans Fat”
Ok well then that makes it more like health food right? Phhh
Sorry I had to place that hot cheesy yumminess in your face…go indulge in as much broccoli as you want!! 🙂
At least after I downed it, I felt terrible. That’s a good sign right? And not like terrible that I’d eaten it but terrible stomach-wise. It should simply be a sign that I should never get Little Ceasars again. Good.

So to start this puppy off right….I’m going to hit what I have been told will be a brutal night at Cross Fit. Then I’ll crawl myself home and eat the remnants of the fridge, sleep, and get up for the early Cross Fit class. 6 am my friends!!!

😀 Whose with me?!!!

Don’t worry, if you already follow me on Facebook I am sure I’ll be telling you all how it went, what limb I’ve broken off my body, or if you don’t hear a thing you’ll know I broke my neck doing handstand pushups….(only because I am so terrified of doing so)

Some of you may be wondering…”well isn’t her right foot already busted or something?”
Funny you are thinking that because yes, it was crazy hurting me. My arch was sore and it had radiated into my ankle which was swollen and I wear flip flops like a bad bad person which provide absolutely no support for my feet!
After asking for some advice from all of you (on Facebook) I began icing, stretching, icing, wearing shoes only, raising, resting, and did I mention icing my foot. The pain just always seemed to be there since I cannot get off my feet on any given day. I went haywire at the store and bought tons of arch supports….ok two pairs. I got the Dr. Scholls pro and Active series. I placed the Pro arch supports in both my workout shoes and my clinical shoes for work.

Best thing I ever bought. As of yesterday night, not a stitch of pain remains. Back in HS my track coach had arches permanently placed in my running shoes as I was not getting the support I need. I figured “duh” it probably has to do with my arches getting no support. I have started using my Innov-8’s so I know I have a great pair of shoes. They feel awesome on my feet. I recommend them!!

If you do end up getting a pair I’ll even name them for you!! I call mine Cotton Candy.



See the resemblance???? 😀

Ready, set, crossfit.

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Bring the BOOM.

6 Aug


Let me start this blog out by saying I went to VELD this past weekend and it has absolutely nothing to do with fitness.  Unless of course you can count standing, jumping and sweating among thousands of others for two days straight a workout!  I’m sure that I can’t since I was dehydrated beyond belief the whole time.  The beer and vodka drinks didn’t help either.  Hehe.

Naw, in all seriousness I held up pretty well.  And this morning upon arriving home at 3:30 am, I managed a 6.5 kilometer run in the park and an hour of CrossFit!  (After a nap and some very much needed food)

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, Glutamine!! If it wasn’t for this amazing supplement, I would not be in the healthy state I am in.  I love the Chewies version.  It’s also know as  “muscle candy”

I must say though….upon opening the “micros’ version I found it to be mostly cotton packing.  😦   Much like when you open a bag of chips and find it to be 75% air.

They are still oh soooooo delicious. Sooooooooooo delicious.

So I mentioned CrossFit tonight. I love it and hate it at the same time. Tonight’s specialty? Wall balls. Oh and over head squats which have always been my nemesis.


3x’s through for time. 9:58 seconds

25 wall balls (14#)
15 Ab mat situps
10 Overhead Squats (35# barbell)

It took a lot of me to not grab the 15 lb bar and add a couple more pounds to it. I’ve done 45 lb and even 55 when I was heavy training last spring. I’m sure there was a few times when I had to throw 60 lbs over but when it is thrown in a high intensity setting for time….it can be brutal. One thing people don’t see when it comes to Cross Fit is the camaraderie. (Not sure I’ve ever had to spell that word out before) haha. When you are the first to finish, that’s great and all but it’s not over until the last person finishes. You may think well you don’t want to be the last one that everyone else is waiting on…..but it’s a much better feeling than that. Though I was not last today, it felt as though I would be. I am sure the VELD weekend didn’t make the workout any easier though. haha I will blame any lack of explosiveness on that.

So this weekend while I was partying my face off at VELD fest in Toronto, the IRON Girl triathalon was going on!!! I absolutely 100% signed up and paid my $120 buuuuutt VELDfest called my name and I bailed.  😦  I have to congratulate some girlies who did take it on and finished with smiling faces!!!! Nice job Liz and Liz!!!!


I wish I could have been there with you two!!!!

I have to congratulate my friend Dani also on making a commitment to fitness!! She has already earned her sticker and will soon be running her very first 5k! I’m hoping to help her along the way.  She will be competing in October for the Run or Dye race!! (No backing down now girl, you’re in my blog!!)  We will take many many photos as always.  Plus it’s a color run….even more reasons for pics!!  😉

Normally I would not post this blog tonight but I happen to know at least all the women out there are up watching the bachelorette. lol.


As always…..follow me on FB if you haven’t joined me for fun tips and recipes and goodies of all sorts!!!

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