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I won’t give in

18 Dec

screenshot_20161216-185607<———SONG OF THE LIFT 12-16-2016

I typically lift while listening to my Pandora station (Fave station is Bring me the Horizon Radio) ♥ ♥  My 12-11 song of the lift was 2nd Sucks by ADTR   “Can’t waste my time
on hateful people like you. So keep wishing you were me, and I’ll keep making you have to.”  12-11 was an off day from the gym and also MOE’S Sunday!! Although firstly, we were not greeted with the traditional “Welcome to Moe’s!” upon entering….this should have been a warning.  Is there some stipulation where we can get free food if not properly greeted?  If not, there should be.  Anyways, I didn’t like the way our Moe’s’ food prep sloppily threw together my meal.  Him: “Rice and beans”?  Me: “Rice only please” (After throwing on a handful of rice) Him: “and beans”? Ugh.

In other news, if you’ve been following my week you’ll know I received a very tough decision as part of an early Christmas gift….the black 1st phorm bottle or the blue one.  After most of the day going by and me going back and forth on my decision….I chose blue!!


Then I gave it a test run by bringing it to work with me.  Turns out the bottle appears much much larger when it’s sitting on the corner of my desk.  I got strange looks all day of people thinking I was severely dehydrated bringing such a large jug with me.  From now on I’ll keep it full and ready for everywhere but work.  12-12 Upper Day Dumb-bell bench warming up with 25’s, 30’s, 35’s, 40’s, 45’s and then one set of 50’s, next up Incline bench for 4 sets with 25’s, (somewhere along the road my technique changed for bad so I fixed my elbow and wrist placement) I then did supersets of Side dumbbell raises and arnold presses both with 10’s, Steering wheels to follow with a 10lb plate for 15 turns and ending with 3 sets of 15 tricep rope pushdowns.  ⊗⊗⊗

So after a few good days I had what I call a big poop day….not taking an actual poop….just the adjective for how the day felt overall.  Work was hectic, my mind felt scattered and unorganized.  I didn’t have time to eat and certainly didn’t gulp down enough water (probably bc I couldn’t bring my new jug to work).  I stuffed down a greek yogurt mid morning and then didn’t get to eat again till I got home….YUCK.  The thing is…it’s tough to overcome days like this and not let them get to you.  When this happens, you’ve gotta think about how it could have been avoided altogether so next time when things seem to be going south you can keep your head on your shoulders and keep a positive mindset.

Along the lines of the positive mindset and trying to take my fitness hobby somewhere great in the future I received this in the mail today!!!  (well yesterday….I can’t be expected to go to my mailbox every single day) ∇∇∇∇

img_20161218_132700<——I received my sports nutrition certification after lot’s of studying, highlighting, reading, and testing!! I’m not sure what this means for my future but at least it’s a step in the right direction for me in keeping up with a fitness minded lifestyle!  With all the mental stress I’d been placing on myself lately, this was tough to complete for me but I’m very happy I did it!  I know a tooooon more than before about nutrition, losing weight properly, and how it intertwines with athletes and non-athletes.

img_20161212_192002 Welp, I’m outta here.  I’ll just leave this pic of the mini apple juicies from the vending machine in my gym here.  I love apple juice.  Don’t ask me why I took this picture.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  ♥♥♥

as always, if you don’t already……

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Happy Song.

11 Dec

Saturday 12-10

When I started writing today’s entry I didn’t even know the date.  Let’s face it, the week days drag on and the weekend flies by all to quickly.

So a lot has happened since my last entry….I guess that was really suppose to be my comeback and it was how many months ago?  Let’s just say I hope to continue to write…I mean I want to, but as I don’t want it to be anything forced (never ever has been before) I’ll just leave it at that.  No promises, that way I can’t disappoint.

Long story short….summer 2015 I competed in my first ever power lifting meet.  It was a lot of fun plus I came away with a 1st place trophy!


After a solid 8 months went by I began prepping for a fall 2016 bikini competition.  As I neared the competition date, I wasn’t where I needed to be body wise.  Since the show I’d planned on doing would close the fall 2016 season, I had no other options and gave my training and diet some slack.  Before I can book any shows for the spring 2017 season I’ve got to get things back on track.

img_20161210_112019 <——Lunch (salmon and steamed white rice and veggies)

I hit the gym yesterday with a solid plan, have begun writing out my workouts and the latest trip to the grocery store was a success as I bought the hearty proteins, grains and greens I use to prep. For those of you in need of a healthy and easy prep snack or part of your meal I found mini cucumbers!  cuc1

Step one, get the mind set. (Working on this daily)  Step two, make a plan.

Had a great workout at the gym with a solid lower day today….complete with my main lift (to make sure I’m still able to go heavy….you know, in case a meet pops up)

Squats up to 240lb then repped out at 135 for 3 additional sets—-Hack squats—-Leg extensions—-Leg Curls—-Cable Kick backs (with my @contrabandpinklabel cuff )—-Leg side cable raises—-30 min HIIT including treadmill sprints and row machine. img_20160329_070951

To really get everything coming together, I’m ordering a brand new competition bikini.  The white one I used for my last two shows was gorgeous….though not the best choice for clean up.  Turns out, the light colors pick up the tan and are near impossible to launder the reddish color out of.  Lesson learned.  I’m going with a dark color and I am blinging this one out myself.  🙂  I can’t wait!!

Song of the day—–Happy Song. Brought to my headphones by Bring Me the Horizon (one of my faves) Listening to this type of music during my lifts keeps me motivated and ready to go.  It also brings me back to the days when I practically spent the night at venues to watch my favorite bands from the pit center stage.  SO MUCH ENERGY!!!

Welp, I guess I’m out!!!  If you don’t already…

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Every setback is a setup for a comeback.

13 Mar

I guess I can say I’m not human if I haven’t had a bout or two of depression. Last year, 30 hit me hard, I’ll admit. And I know there are naysayers and haters alike saying….”you’re beautiful, no kids, full time job…what do you have to be depressed about.” Well we all have our struggles, inside and out. I guess u could say the post show blues got me…haven’t felt comfy in my own skin since my last competition. There was really no stopping it. I didn’t immediately jump into my next show or race….nothing. My motivation went down, and my self destruction began. I stopped writing blogs, my creativity and excitement that had for writing articles, and posting fitness ideas, and prepping healthy food went down. I’m 31 now and I don’t want everything to end. I’m lucky to have this life, lucky to be alive, so there is no point in just wasting it away, waking up everyday to the same thing day in and day out with no future goal in mind. My bf is even super supportive and truly loves me for me. Though he says I can get fat and stop my fitness life if thats what I really want, I know he really doesnt want to see me go down that slope. He fell in love with my strong competitive mindset and knows that I can work hard and be successful. He thinks I’m beautiful inside and out and now I need to do the same. This world is so corrupt and messed up, there is only “right now” to be happy. I’m coming back. And this time I’m not backing down. And mom, if you are reading this, you are going to stop smoking. You have to. Do it for yourself. 🙂 Life is too short to waste it.
And since we know life is all about those small things…. On an extra positive note. I spotted some fruit striped gum at the grocery store the other day. Bought that shit. Happiness, even for the 30 seconds of its short but amazing tasty lifespan.




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Sticker Gains!!!

5 May

black camo


pink and lime

Now available for purchase!!!!! Vinyl Fitness Sprinkle stickers that can go just about anywhere!! Get yours today, stick it, and get motivated!! Created by a Bikini competitior, power lifter, and fitness junkie!  Follow me on my Facebook page, Twitter, Instagram, or even Tumblr,  where I provide real life experience to motivate others to get in the best shape of their lives. 🙂

Stay the friggin course…

7 Jan

I didn’t exactly drop off the face of the planet there….just fell off the blog train.  Now I’m realizing keeping up on this is one of the most important aspects of helping others and getting ideas and inspiration out there for other fitness freaks like myself to see!  So what’s new since I last had sweet Stevia coated words for all of you to read?

My Instagram page:  Please find and follow me there for some extra special weekly goodies as I train and show my progress and workouts

My Twitter page: If you are a twitter fanatic follow me!!!  🙂

My Tumblr.:  Yeah, I ended up getting a Tumblr. account too….:)

All this of course is in addition to this WordPress account and my Fitness Facebook page.  I swear I’m not crazy.



And yeah, if you’ve ever met anyone who competes….we are all nuts in our own special ways.  haha

In addition to competing in Bikini /bodybuilding competitions and staying in shape, I’ve added power lifting into my routine.  It’s allowed me to bulk up with muscle during my non competition training months and hopefully I’ll be able to pick up some power lifting meets in the future.  Not only that but it has given me a bigger handle on the technique involved in lifting heavy so no not get hurt while doing it.

I’ll also be getting my Training Certification so that I can rightfully give others advice and help them to achieve their goals as far as losing weight, staying in shape, and gaining muscle.

As far as everything else is concerned, I’m still a complete disaster only finding time to get myself up and at em for work each day, while packing incomplete meals or forgetting to pack socks and shoes for the gym immediately following work….then after an always fabulous post workout meal, I stay up late presuming this will be the time I get all my other errands completed, only to not repack my gym bag and do it all again the next day.  Sigh. #fitgirlproblems #competitionprep So to everyone out there feeling down because they aren’t ontop of their A-game today, don’t feel bad ever, because chances are, there are a lot more of us dealing with the same sh*t.


Am I right or am I right?

Anywho….I now deal with deciding when, where, and how far out I want to start banging out my next show prep to prepare for my next go under the lights.  There are a few different options as far as that goes…one falling on the weekend of the Arnold Classic is out like the fat kid in dodgeball.  I’m psyched for Arnold 2015!!!  IMG_20140302_103725IMG_20140301_114527IMG_20140302_1146121397814914550IMG_20140301_123057IMG_20140302_110442


There is a look back at last year’s madness.  🙂  Let’s Gooooo!!!

As I look towards possible show dates, I would also like to set myself up for my first ever powerlifting meet.  Begin operation lean and bulk!!!

So stay tuned as I  clear my cupboards of garbage food and restock it with chicken and eggs.  Bahahahaha.

I’m back baby.  Look at me now….let’s get this ball rolling!! 75b084a6fde725bcfcfcb15271501d28

If you haven’t already found me on Twitter and Instagram….check me out!  My handle is @Fitsprinks

And be sure to join me and follow along on FB!!

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Where it all started.

22 Apr

Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-063Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-065Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-064

This was my publication for the April issue of Natural Bikini magazine.  If you are even at all interested in the sport of competitive bikini or figure you should get a subscription to this publication.  There are articles written by pros as well as articles like mine, written by people just like you!  A lot of questions about competing and tips for first timers are often available in this magazine.

 The above article was my first editor contribution and it will also not be my last.

Below is a link for those who are interested in subscribing to this monthly online publication.  I have one and it’s well worth it.

You also have the option to purchase individual copies of the magazine or subscribing to Natural Gainz which is another great mag from Mibolife publishing.

Thanks to all my fans who continue to follow along as I complete my first year in competition.  I now am fully equipped with Instagram  Chrissycakes227 and Twitter @FitSprinks

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Please pretty please VOTE for me!!!

11 Apr

Please pretty please VOTE for me!!!

I recently entered to become a possible MPG messenger.  In order to make it to round two, they will be accepting the top ten photos with the most votes!! I’m literally so close and am begging for votes here tonight!! There is two hours left in this beast of a contest and I would appreciate it soooooo much if you would please pretty please vote for me!!!

You’ll have to log into FB to actually vote.  Once you click on the link above, you’ll be prompted to “like” MPG.  Once you do that, my image will be brought up, (this is a lie…it’s taking you to view the gallery. Mine is on the second page.  Look for -Christine, Syracuse- where you can then click VOTE.  The damage will be done after that.

Thank you all who have or are going to vote!



All good things. All in good time.

22 Mar

download (2)


It’s almost here!!!! Time for my triple slam showstopping madness, all crammed into the next four weeks!  It’s gonna be a wild ride!

In one week, BOOM!

2014329In two weeks….Double boom!

2014_northeast.282190345_stdAnd with a week’s break in week three, I’ll be ready for week four with this!!! My final show of the spring season!

419eventI’m hoping to bounce right back after battling this cold for just about a week now.  Between work and training at the gym I caught the sniffles.  From there it got worse.  It also didn’t help that I’d hit my “two week out mental breakdown” at that point also.  The main thing is, that I got through it.  It’s all mental really.  I say it all the time but we get stuck in our own heads and our mind creates their own reality.  I got through the mental part (so far) and am just about ready for my next couple stage appearances.  Organization plays a huge factor in all this.  I put that as my top priority in getting prepared for the next four weeks.  Tans and makeup booked, registration fees paid, federation cards bought….etc. I’ll also be arriving on stage in a new suit and new competition heels!  🙂  BRING IT ON!  I’ve got a daily check list for the next week and I am not backing down from it.  And what’s better motivation yet???? Just found out my first of the three upcoming shows made the bikini division a double PRO QUALIFIER!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! If that doesn’t get you pumped to throw on a rhinestone bikini and five inch heels then I don’t know what will.

So you’re probably wondering where the heck all my awesome photos are from my shoot with Mr. JR Delia right?  Well, the files are on their way to me this week.  I have the sneak previews of course but then I can’t leak them all at once you know!!!!

animalAnnnnd just throwing it out there….this is a photo with my olympic barbell.  It only happens to be standing straight up like a shiny dancing pole.  :-/

Oh and if all prior information accompanied by photos wasn’t cool enough, there’s this!!   Is it me on the cover? No….well, not technically.  Take a look in the upper left hand corner though!!!!!   This issue of Natural bikini comes out April 1st and it contains my bio and an article written by yours truly!!! I’m stoked to have been able to be a contributing editor for this magazine.


It’s showtime people.  Never give up on your dreams or think what you are trying to achieve it too big.  You have to crawl before you can run, and it may seem like it’s all happening so slowly, but as long as you continue on and never give up, big things will happen.  Make them happen!!!

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The Schwartz…

4 Mar

Arnold Classic Boom!!!!

So I just had one of the craziest and most exciting weekend these past couple days!!! For thos of you that don’t know what I was up to, I had the pleasure of attending (for my birthday) the Arnold Classic!!! And I must say, that for any of you who are well into fitness and going to the gym, or even just starting out, the Arnold is an experience you’ll never forget!!  The expo alone came with so many great opportunities to meet and greet not only with my idols but other fitness professionals who are completely willing to talk and offer their advice!! I even passed out my FS stickers to everyone I met and told them my own story! I learned that even though I’m an amateur  at all this and it felt strange to give someone so successful my “sales pitch story” with some business card sticker, that those people were in my exact position at one time.  We all have to start somewhere right?! And I can gladly say tht everyone I spoke with was very considerate and listened to what I had to say (whether or not they were ignoring my words or simply covering it up with “la la la la la” in their heads is another story) And anyways who else can say they gave Cain Velasquez, one of the most dangerous and badass  MMA fighters a cupcake sticker!!!??? 🙂  Honestly, just thinking about that moment in my head makes me giggle and smile.

With that being said…here are some of my favorite pics from the event!!










IMG_20140301_140847So even though I packed all the supplements, bars, and some eats I’d need for the weekend, the amount of free stuff I got was insane!! I literally had two carry on sized bags stuffed to the brim with muscle mags and samples (and there were two of us!!!) Needless to say, we won’t be running out of pw powder anytime soon!!

So my FB page is now in the 270’s!! Next mile marker is 300!!! If you have already liked my page, then I thank you!!! Please be sure to share it with others so tht I may try to inspire and motivate them as well!!  Oh and the shirts were so popular that I will be starting a new order asap so be sure to let me know if you’ll want one this time around!!!    😉
                                                                                                                         Fitness sprinkles

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Me Vs Me

16 Feb

Wait, did I already use this as a blog title?  Well, it’s worth it.  It’s worth it because it is so true and means so much.  Everything you do in life is you vs you and nothing else….no matter if you feel like you are somehow competing against another person.  It’s what you think that got you where you are.  It’s what you think that makes or breaks your day and keeps you strong or lets you fail and be weak.  It’s all you and it’s all in your head.  So what to do? Don’t think so much about everything and don’t let that thinking run your life.  Keep things simple.  How does one just do this? I’m sure many people have tried to find the answer to this.  Even I don’t know.  Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.  I have been there, done that, and let my thinking get the best of me.  It’s when tears begin to pour for no apparent reason, it’s when you just need a hug to feel human, to feel accepted and you just need the encouraging words of someone else to let you know you are on the right track and that you are worth it.  And even then it’s not always over.  So you know that feeling of accomplishment you get from sweating your ass off at the gym on a good workout? Go, feel it. Get to the gym…don’t reach for a cheat and eat pizza because you feel down in the dumps or stressed out about life!  You’ll one hundred percent regret it later. My advice? Write down that one killer workout…reps, weight, and sets.  Put it in a notebook or on an index card.  Or better yet, write out a couple index cards with killer workouts on them and put them somewhere you would store your go to junk food.  (or tissues) And the next time tears start to roll, get up, grab a card, and your shoes and get pumped.  Hit the gym and do the workout you wrote down.  You’ll probably forget how stressed you were because of how good you are feeling! Maybe you’ll even re-motivate yourself all over again to continue on!! It’s a long road no matter what path you are on.  We all need to keep fighting for what we want to accomplish in life and we all need to realize that it’s you against you.

831-positive-thought-quotesI know I’ve used this pic also in a past blog but it’s true.

So what else is new at Fitness Sprinkles?? Well, the pre-order for shirts has ended and I received over 80 shirt orders!! It ended up being more successful than I could ever imagine.  People are still lining up to get their hands on a FS tank or V-neck tee.  I have shipped out the orders for my far away followers and cannot wait to hear their reactions when they open their packages!

All the colors!!

Even the little ones are getting into it.Talisha

Fitness Sprinkles shows up at Crossfit!Alicia

Rocking tahiti blue IMAG0487

Signed copies? Who would have thought!


Prepping to ship! Complete with stickers!!

IMAG0483 (1)

The post office thought I was nuts


Everyone is getting creative with their sticker placement!


Guys like the stickers too…garages are a great place!

Dunbar-garage door

On the shop toolbox. 🙂
IMAG0025So where will Fitness Sprinkles show up next? I look forward to finding out!!

As always, a thank you to all my blog followers and to those following my story on Facebook.  I could not do this without any of you.  🙂

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