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I won’t give in

18 Dec

screenshot_20161216-185607<———SONG OF THE LIFT 12-16-2016

I typically lift while listening to my Pandora station (Fave station is Bring me the Horizon Radio) ♥ ♥  My 12-11 song of the lift was 2nd Sucks by ADTR   “Can’t waste my time
on hateful people like you. So keep wishing you were me, and I’ll keep making you have to.”  12-11 was an off day from the gym and also MOE’S Sunday!! Although firstly, we were not greeted with the traditional “Welcome to Moe’s!” upon entering….this should have been a warning.  Is there some stipulation where we can get free food if not properly greeted?  If not, there should be.  Anyways, I didn’t like the way our Moe’s’ food prep sloppily threw together my meal.  Him: “Rice and beans”?  Me: “Rice only please” (After throwing on a handful of rice) Him: “and beans”? Ugh.

In other news, if you’ve been following my week you’ll know I received a very tough decision as part of an early Christmas gift….the black 1st phorm bottle or the blue one.  After most of the day going by and me going back and forth on my decision….I chose blue!!


Then I gave it a test run by bringing it to work with me.  Turns out the bottle appears much much larger when it’s sitting on the corner of my desk.  I got strange looks all day of people thinking I was severely dehydrated bringing such a large jug with me.  From now on I’ll keep it full and ready for everywhere but work.  12-12 Upper Day Dumb-bell bench warming up with 25’s, 30’s, 35’s, 40’s, 45’s and then one set of 50’s, next up Incline bench for 4 sets with 25’s, (somewhere along the road my technique changed for bad so I fixed my elbow and wrist placement) I then did supersets of Side dumbbell raises and arnold presses both with 10’s, Steering wheels to follow with a 10lb plate for 15 turns and ending with 3 sets of 15 tricep rope pushdowns.  ⊗⊗⊗

So after a few good days I had what I call a big poop day….not taking an actual poop….just the adjective for how the day felt overall.  Work was hectic, my mind felt scattered and unorganized.  I didn’t have time to eat and certainly didn’t gulp down enough water (probably bc I couldn’t bring my new jug to work).  I stuffed down a greek yogurt mid morning and then didn’t get to eat again till I got home….YUCK.  The thing is…it’s tough to overcome days like this and not let them get to you.  When this happens, you’ve gotta think about how it could have been avoided altogether so next time when things seem to be going south you can keep your head on your shoulders and keep a positive mindset.

Along the lines of the positive mindset and trying to take my fitness hobby somewhere great in the future I received this in the mail today!!!  (well yesterday….I can’t be expected to go to my mailbox every single day) ∇∇∇∇

img_20161218_132700<——I received my sports nutrition certification after lot’s of studying, highlighting, reading, and testing!! I’m not sure what this means for my future but at least it’s a step in the right direction for me in keeping up with a fitness minded lifestyle!  With all the mental stress I’d been placing on myself lately, this was tough to complete for me but I’m very happy I did it!  I know a tooooon more than before about nutrition, losing weight properly, and how it intertwines with athletes and non-athletes.

img_20161212_192002 Welp, I’m outta here.  I’ll just leave this pic of the mini apple juicies from the vending machine in my gym here.  I love apple juice.  Don’t ask me why I took this picture.  The heart wants what the heart wants.  ♥♥♥

as always, if you don’t already……

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Where it all started.

22 Apr

Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-063Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-065Natural_Bikini_Issue_2_April_2014 (1)-page-064

This was my publication for the April issue of Natural Bikini magazine.  If you are even at all interested in the sport of competitive bikini or figure you should get a subscription to this publication.  There are articles written by pros as well as articles like mine, written by people just like you!  A lot of questions about competing and tips for first timers are often available in this magazine.

 The above article was my first editor contribution and it will also not be my last.

Below is a link for those who are interested in subscribing to this monthly online publication.  I have one and it’s well worth it.

You also have the option to purchase individual copies of the magazine or subscribing to Natural Gainz which is another great mag from Mibolife publishing.

Thanks to all my fans who continue to follow along as I complete my first year in competition.  I now am fully equipped with Instagram  Chrissycakes227 and Twitter @FitSprinks

Fitness sprinkles

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