Archive | February, 2014

Me Vs Me

16 Feb

Wait, did I already use this as a blog title?  Well, it’s worth it.  It’s worth it because it is so true and means so much.  Everything you do in life is you vs you and nothing else….no matter if you feel like you are somehow competing against another person.  It’s what you think that got you where you are.  It’s what you think that makes or breaks your day and keeps you strong or lets you fail and be weak.  It’s all you and it’s all in your head.  So what to do? Don’t think so much about everything and don’t let that thinking run your life.  Keep things simple.  How does one just do this? I’m sure many people have tried to find the answer to this.  Even I don’t know.  Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.  I have been there, done that, and let my thinking get the best of me.  It’s when tears begin to pour for no apparent reason, it’s when you just need a hug to feel human, to feel accepted and you just need the encouraging words of someone else to let you know you are on the right track and that you are worth it.  And even then it’s not always over.  So you know that feeling of accomplishment you get from sweating your ass off at the gym on a good workout? Go, feel it. Get to the gym…don’t reach for a cheat and eat pizza because you feel down in the dumps or stressed out about life!  You’ll one hundred percent regret it later. My advice? Write down that one killer workout…reps, weight, and sets.  Put it in a notebook or on an index card.  Or better yet, write out a couple index cards with killer workouts on them and put them somewhere you would store your go to junk food.  (or tissues) And the next time tears start to roll, get up, grab a card, and your shoes and get pumped.  Hit the gym and do the workout you wrote down.  You’ll probably forget how stressed you were because of how good you are feeling! Maybe you’ll even re-motivate yourself all over again to continue on!! It’s a long road no matter what path you are on.  We all need to keep fighting for what we want to accomplish in life and we all need to realize that it’s you against you.

831-positive-thought-quotesI know I’ve used this pic also in a past blog but it’s true.

So what else is new at Fitness Sprinkles?? Well, the pre-order for shirts has ended and I received over 80 shirt orders!! It ended up being more successful than I could ever imagine.  People are still lining up to get their hands on a FS tank or V-neck tee.  I have shipped out the orders for my far away followers and cannot wait to hear their reactions when they open their packages!

All the colors!!

Even the little ones are getting into it.Talisha

Fitness Sprinkles shows up at Crossfit!Alicia

Rocking tahiti blue IMAG0487

Signed copies? Who would have thought!


Prepping to ship! Complete with stickers!!

IMAG0483 (1)

The post office thought I was nuts


Everyone is getting creative with their sticker placement!


Guys like the stickers too…garages are a great place!

Dunbar-garage door

On the shop toolbox. 🙂
IMAG0025So where will Fitness Sprinkles show up next? I look forward to finding out!!

As always, a thank you to all my blog followers and to those following my story on Facebook.  I could not do this without any of you.  🙂

Fitness sprinkles

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