Archive | December, 2013

Maybe broccoli doesn’t like you either.

20 Dec

Warning, the blog you are about to read is completely short and random at best.  This is how my mind is set up so either like it, or close out and skip this one all together.  But lemme talk about broccoli for a minute.  I like broccoli…just not cooked broccoli.  Asparagus is the one I can totally live without choking down regularly….

Still reading?  haha…

Ever have a day where it just feels like your hair follicles have crinkled in the wrong direction and it hurts? I had that day earlier this week.

And you know what that means!  Time for a bubble bath.  And might I just say that I need, yes, need….ok, WANT


Philosophy gourmet popcorn body wash…and it triples as bubble bath and shampoo.  Please someone fill my stocking with this.  (Hey if I can’t eat it, then I’ll slather it on my body and smell it everywhere I go) Mmmm

Operation run outside in the cold at night-time is in effect.  🙂   It’s super important to have proper gear for the cold, ie; face mask, running gloves, hat or ear protection and of course when running in the dark, reflective outerwear.  I also always go with someone else or a group of people.  We tend to make it exciting with a big reward at the end of a nice steamy hot tub.  The other night I even worked in a little extra “Abobominaburpee WOD” as we titled it, where entrance fee into the hot tub was to be paid by doing 10 burpees in the snow. (in a bathing suit/trunks)  Here we go!!!

IMG_4321 IMG_3371 IMG_0633 Delia IMG_0593 IMG_3313

Next monday we’ll do pushups face down in the deep stuff….ice-ups….or Snow Planks!!! Oh maaaan.  Hope you’re ready guys.  I’ve got big plans.

Here is some interesting info on cold weather running, myths debunked.

Hahahahaha, anyone seen this video?  “I want to be a bodybuilder”  Watch it, hilarious.     A conversation between a guy training for a bodybuilding competition and his wife.                I guess there is a part two and three as well.

Well, I’ll keep this one short and sweet.


Hahaha, had to throw this pic into the mix.  Get it, Crush It? 🙂  Anyways, this has been by far my most favorite t-shirt since I won it!!! A huge thank you to Core Nutritionals because I love all of your supplements and do my best to live by the motto on a daily basis.

Ta Ta for now!!!

1504102_778607028831445_250207270_nI am almost to 200 likes on my FB page!!! So far it’s been an incredible journey and it’s only the beginning!!  Please share and follow me there for inspiration, motivation, recipes, tips, and more!!!  Keep Crushing it!!!

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Cookies are forever.

4 Dec

I hope everyone got to have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Mine was spent with loved ones and food, as was probably all of yours.  🙂

In the meantime, it’s back to eating right and pounding out those heavy sweaty workouts at the gym!! (Then Christmas goodies later this month)

I hit the market this morning to restock the fridge after my long weekend away.  If anyone out there says it’s hard to come home and apply the right foods back into the fridge rather than the wrong ones…I agree.  One way I combat this is list making.  Whether you have an app for that, a dry erase board on the fridge or a pen and paper, (I actually have all three) it’s so vital that you write down the items that you suddenly become out of.  Otherwise, that trip to the store may turn into a junk food free for all as you go down every aisle trying to remember what it is you needed to buy.  Another good idea to get in and get out is to not only be not hungry while shopping but also to set yourself a time limit.  This time limit is great for grocery shopping as well as getting those chores and everyday tasks done on your day off.  If you say you are going to the gym from 7-8 am for cardio, then heading to the store from 8-8:30 and plan to be back home by 9 and working on dishes or laundry…(for me today) then do it.  Write it down, make sure to bring the after workout shake or supplements needed and also bring that list.

Here is how I did this morning…..list in hand, and only $40. later!!!  The sandwich thins I would not normally buy…however, they were out of my new favorite Flat out Foldables that I had mentioned in my last blog.  (Must have caught on after I mentioned them)  😉


I was doing well, really well.  I managed to dodge all the main aisles in the store.  Ever notice that if you are eating right you stay to the perimeter of the market?  All the fresh foods, produce, meats…are all right when you walk in and lining the back walls of the store.  There is no need to go down those terrible processed food aisles in the middle.  Unless of course, the store has put endcaps glowing with sparkly holiday cookies right on the aisle with the brown rice.


This is what made it into my cart at the last second.  Sigh… (Two because they were 2 for $4 and duh, I needed the wreaths and the cutout Christmas shapes)


Oh well.  cookies are forever.

In other news, I recently won a killer prize pack from Core Nutritionals.  I am a faithful fan of all of their products, and winning allowed me to try everything I hadn’t yet. 🙂  The box came to the house yesterday and I couldn’t stop going on and on about it.  (Mind you it was after midnight) Who knew presents in the mail gave me that much energy.


So the prize pack included a Core Nutritionals “Crush It” t-shirt, in my size (my new favorite shirt mind you), a stackable vitamin/supplement shaker, and samples of BURN, PWO, ABC, PRO, and MRP!!! Aghhhh!!!

I know and look up to a very awesome and kick ass chic.  It was honestly because of her inspiration that I ended up winning this awesome prize pack.  If you don’t know, love, and follow Erin Iannacchino, you should.  🙂 You’ll find a link to her Facebook page below.

Today was my first day back at CrossFit since August 28th.  At least with that I already know what I am doing…now I just need to get back up to speed and weight.  I forget what a hardcore workout it is, and how much I despise pull-ups.  haha.  🙂

For Inspiration, motivation, and support, please Like my page!! 🙂

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