Archive | January, 2015

Stay the friggin course…

7 Jan

I didn’t exactly drop off the face of the planet there….just fell off the blog train.  Now I’m realizing keeping up on this is one of the most important aspects of helping others and getting ideas and inspiration out there for other fitness freaks like myself to see!  So what’s new since I last had sweet Stevia coated words for all of you to read?

My Instagram page:  Please find and follow me there for some extra special weekly goodies as I train and show my progress and workouts

My Twitter page: If you are a twitter fanatic follow me!!!  🙂

My Tumblr.:  Yeah, I ended up getting a Tumblr. account too….:)

All this of course is in addition to this WordPress account and my Fitness Facebook page.  I swear I’m not crazy.



And yeah, if you’ve ever met anyone who competes….we are all nuts in our own special ways.  haha

In addition to competing in Bikini /bodybuilding competitions and staying in shape, I’ve added power lifting into my routine.  It’s allowed me to bulk up with muscle during my non competition training months and hopefully I’ll be able to pick up some power lifting meets in the future.  Not only that but it has given me a bigger handle on the technique involved in lifting heavy so no not get hurt while doing it.

I’ll also be getting my Training Certification so that I can rightfully give others advice and help them to achieve their goals as far as losing weight, staying in shape, and gaining muscle.

As far as everything else is concerned, I’m still a complete disaster only finding time to get myself up and at em for work each day, while packing incomplete meals or forgetting to pack socks and shoes for the gym immediately following work….then after an always fabulous post workout meal, I stay up late presuming this will be the time I get all my other errands completed, only to not repack my gym bag and do it all again the next day.  Sigh. #fitgirlproblems #competitionprep So to everyone out there feeling down because they aren’t ontop of their A-game today, don’t feel bad ever, because chances are, there are a lot more of us dealing with the same sh*t.


Am I right or am I right?

Anywho….I now deal with deciding when, where, and how far out I want to start banging out my next show prep to prepare for my next go under the lights.  There are a few different options as far as that goes…one falling on the weekend of the Arnold Classic is out like the fat kid in dodgeball.  I’m psyched for Arnold 2015!!!  IMG_20140302_103725IMG_20140301_114527IMG_20140302_1146121397814914550IMG_20140301_123057IMG_20140302_110442


There is a look back at last year’s madness.  🙂  Let’s Gooooo!!!

As I look towards possible show dates, I would also like to set myself up for my first ever powerlifting meet.  Begin operation lean and bulk!!!

So stay tuned as I  clear my cupboards of garbage food and restock it with chicken and eggs.  Bahahahaha.

I’m back baby.  Look at me now….let’s get this ball rolling!! 75b084a6fde725bcfcfcb15271501d28

If you haven’t already found me on Twitter and Instagram….check me out!  My handle is @Fitsprinks

And be sure to join me and follow along on FB!!

Fitness sprinkles

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