Archive | November, 2013

Know Yourself.

20 Nov

Lemme start off by saying that I had originally planned on going to the gym tonight at least for a nice core workout.  But somehow with wanting to write this blog and take a hot bubble bath I decided not to.  I also had to handle one of the most exhausting patients at work today…  Do these sound like excuses?  I was fiddling with the idea in my head that maybe they all were.  I mean how hard is it to just get up and get my ass to the gym? It took a little time and more advice for me to realize that I was letting my mind make unnecessary excuses for myself.  I know what my body is capable of, and that this spring I will be ready for the three (yes three) competitions that I enter myself in.  Know Yourself.


So all the time I say to plan ahead and prep your meals the week before! Sometimes though we just don’t have that luxury because we ran out of weekend. It seems like I am always running out of my weekends. Here is a yummy snack/part of a lunch that isnt rough on carbs and is still a worthy sorce of protein!!! Introducing, what I call p-28 jammer hammers. Genius right? The name just came to me. 🙂1476699_10152010338282590_931786592_n

So here is what we’ve got here….P-28 protein spread, organic raspberry jam, chia milled seeds, and Fold It 5 grain flax flatbreads (for those of us who rarely eat bread and extra grains)  The Foldit’s contain 43% less carbs than sliced bread, only 90 calories a piece! 7 of the 15 carbs are dietary fiber so you know what happens there.  😉 As for the Organic Jam, there are only 5 grams of sugar per serving, with 25 calories per Tbs. The Chia seeds, well duh, contain a high dose of Omega 3’s, fiber, calcium, B-6, you name it!! Normally I’d steer clear of peanut butter and just opt for the almond butter instead, but in the case of P-28, you are getting 14 grams of protein in every serving as it is made with whey protein isolate!  So eat up!! 1459984_10152010970157590_1746169484_n


Well, as much as we don’t want to face it….the cold weather is here.  A lot of people begin their hibernation sequence one November hits, but it’s important to stay active this time of year.  How else would you work off that cream cheese pumpkin roll you ate?  As much as I prefer to hit the gym and stay warm indoors this time of year, I’ll be braving the cold and going outside in the freezing air.  In order to gear up for some much needed winter runs, I bought a sweet new running hat.  It’s thin, made of that moisture wicking material, and is super stretchy.  It’s also very bright….I like my bright colors what can I say?  (Probably a good thing considering how early it gets dark outside this time of year)


I also bought myself a kick ass Under Armour shirt for cold weather running.  Their clothing may seem expensive but if you are using the clothes for what they are intended for, lemme tell you, you’re getting your monies worth.  🙂 Looks like I’m all set to get the Monday Runday crew back together…(I just made that name up too, and how perfect!!! The name stays.  I see the crew now shaking their heads, hahaha)

Got the mail today to find my stage pics from Rick Abt photography for the NYSXIII  They look awesome!  Now I can replace the copyright ones that I borrowed temporarily.  🙂


Well everyone enjoy your night, and like I always say, follow me on Facebook if you don’t already!! I hope to provide inspiration and motivation to others who seek it.  Thanks for all my readers!  🙂  If there is ever anything you’d like to know more about, simply leave a comment for me to let me know.  I love hearing new ideas from fans!!

                                                                                                                           Fitness sprinkles

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11 Nov

NYSXIII, it came and it went.  Let me fill you in on the happenings this past weekend in Syracuse, NY.

IMG_3507I placed 3rd in both Novice and Open Class for bikini.  Not only was this a large show, the largest to date for promoter Mike Halsey, but there was a lot of tough competition.  Everyone looked great and put on an awesome performance as the night rolled on.  Overall it was a long hard day….exhausting if you will.  145 competitors and their trainers along with some family members roamed around backstage getting pumped up, applying stage glaze, getting their suit glued down, tan touched up, stuffing down rice cakes and protein bars…and getting all nerved up.

IMG_3498I kept my heels off for as long as possible and stayed warm in sweats and my robe.  After prejudging ended, there was a quick break (and by quick, I’m talking under two hours) to which I visited and ate a lean lunch with family.  After that, it was time to watch and wait backstage as the other competitors performed their individual walks on stage to the “standing room only” crowd.  Mine was at the very end….performing to Fall Out Boy’s ‘My songs know what you did in the dark’ Click —–> to watch a video taken on my friend’s phone.  😉  Once I took my walk, it was as if I couldn’t leave the stage, or my heels as I competed immediately after in the Ms.Fit Syracuse for fun, and then the awards for the entire show took place.

1453447_10151982337542590_377826365_nThough we were able to have some fun backstage, competing is exhausting both mentally and physically.  It takes so much out of you in order to be at your top performance level for about five minutes on stage.  5 minutes to prove yourself to a panel of 10+ judges.  If you leave feeling you haven’t done your best, then chances are you didn’t.  I’ve been training for the NYSXIII for the past 10 weeks, sculpting a better body than I’d brought to the stage for April’s show in Binghamton, NY.  I know I did it.  I’ve practically lived at the gym, opening with it most days in the a.m. and closing with it many in the p.m. doing cardio and lifting sessions.  My body was definitely where I wanted it to be.  I gave it my all, though if I had to say anything got to me by stepping on that stage, I would say nerves.  I don’t recall being as nervous for my first show….maybe it was the shot of wine.  Guess I need to keep a bottle handy for my next endeavor.  ha.

Now that it is over, I’ve allowed myself a couple treats…it all started with breakfast.  Homemade cinnamon rolls.  Mmmm

IMG_3506Then my dad stopped in with a pastime favorite….


1461628_10151982302802590_649891863_nBelieve it people.  😉

I did meet some exciting new people backstage.  I’m hoping they enjoyed getting Fitness Sprinkles stickers.  Spread the word!!!

Oh and beyond all the support, comments, and well wishes from friends and family I’ll end my blog with this inspiration written to me from a good friend.  ” It’s not the trophy or any award that I’m so proud of you for, nor is it any end result or accomplishment. I am proud of you for having a purpose and choosing to perfect it every moment of your existence. This is the embodiment of Cha’an Buddhism . . . of all that I believe. I am truly impressed. Only a handful of humans will ever learn how to recognize the moment let alone perfect it. “infinite wisdom and immeasurable light” . . .

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Peak Week!!!!

5 Nov

In case you don’t follow me on Fitness Sprinkles or see me every day to hear…..It’s Peak Week for the NYS Natural XIII

I’ve cracked down on my diet for these last 7 days…removing any extra salt and unnecessary “treats”, though I would hardly call Power Crunch bars a treat….well, yes I would.  🙂

So here it is!!! Aghh!!! I’m gonna be out of my mind!


For anyone who is in the area and would like to come and show their support….5:30 is the night show!!!  And they will be holding the Mr. and Ms. Fit contest in between our stage walks and the awards ceremony.

Mr. n Ms.

Ok, I’m all done freaking out about the show that’s in less than 6 days!!!!  So the other night I came across a peanut butter protein cookie recipe to which I converted to be Paleo friendly (simply by eliminating the peanut butter and replacing it with cashew butter, almond butter will also work)  Here they are!!!  1382405_10151965623422590_1985509349_n

Oh man….so good.  This is the closest thing to a real cookie that I have found since I began eliminating sweets from my diet.

Here is the link to the recipe…  that includes two eggs, tsp vanilla, 3/4 cup of vanilla protein powder, 3/4 cup of almond or cashew butter, and 1/4 cup stevia or truvia (sugar substitute)  Dough is then taken by the large Tb full, rolled into a ball, and placed on a greased cookie sheet.  Press the ball flat with the tines of a fork in a criss cross.  Bake at 350 degrees for about 6 minutes.

So what else is new?? Just received my most recent Supplement order from Supplement Warehouse!!! I’m always way too excited to open a giant box of healthy, protein packed goodies.  What can I say, I love getting mail, even if I also had to pay for it.  😛

1374760_10151968392467590_2135742361_nI’ll admit, there are a couple items here that though healthy, will not be something I crack into until after my show this weekend.  I did open the Syntha-6 (new flavor) after tonight’s workout and holy shit….it’s like I am drinking cake batter.  Mmmmmm.  I highly recommend anything BSN.  I absolutely love all of their supplements from top to bottom.  They mix so well and taste spot on.

Wanna know what else I wanna stuff in my face after this weekend’s show?


Orange moon pie.  Only problem with this is, they don’t sell this flavor around here.  😦  Our last trip down south, we managed to visit the Moon Pie store where I purchased a whole box of double decker orange pies.  Oh man.  I’m drooling just thinking about it.  Can anyone out there hook me up?  In all seriousness though, when peak week is in effect, the cravings are non stop.  Sure, the show is almost here and you don’t want to embarrass yourself by stepping on stage with a muffin top, but your all of a sudden thinking, “all this training, a little cookie isn’t going to hurt”.  Think again.  By this point in the game, training and nutrition have been going all too well and suddenly slamming a frosting covered vanilla cupcake down your gullet and thinking there won’t be a consequence is simply wrong.  Chances are, you’ll get a bad stomach ache or make yourself sick.  I know a lot of people who binge once the show is over and end up getting themselves sick a couple hours after the competition.  Sure I plan to have a couple well earned treats afterwards…but I’ll still eat mostly clean until I need to begin training for another show.

On that note….here are some images of the yummy things I would like to eat sunday…..just a couple.  😉

And if you think it wasn’t torture looking through google for photos of each of these treats, you’re wrong.



vanilla cupcakes 2-1

I would add more but I need to stop. Really.  haha!

As always….find me on FB!!

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